It’s our tailored approach that makes all the difference.
Because each one of us, is just that little bit different.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Are you experiencing discomfort, pain or swelling towards the back of your jaws? Perhaps you have been told previously that you are likely to have wisdom teeth issues when you are older? The best part is, you are not alone!
The overwhelming majority of young adolescents and adults will at some point have some concerns or issues in relation to their wisdom teeth. Whether that is due to impaction, pain, infection, crowding of anterior teeth, or relapse of teeth after having orthodontic treatment, there may be a genuine reason why you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed or attended to.
Cosmetic Injectables
Often a smile can be confused for just the teeth and gums that help make it up. In fact even dentists fall into this trap!
Not so here at Aesthetic Zone Dentistry.
Instead we not only recognise but believe wholeheartedly in the contribution of our facial features including lips, cheeks and jaw structure to our smile as a whole. Often enhancing one or more of these features using cosmetic injectables are the perfect accessory to your smile and for this reason forms an important part of any discussion we have in relation to improving your smile.
TMJ Disorder
Painful, sore or clicking jaws, headaches, migraines, teeth grinding as well as painful and sensitive teeth are all potential indicators for temporomandibular joint dysfunction (or TMJ Disorder).
Do you have any of the above symptoms? Are you aware of any conscious or unconscious grinding or clenching behaviours? The key as always is diagnosis. Get in touch with us today if you have any concerns.